Friday, November 13, 2009

A gift of good weather

Wow - we've had such a mild November (till about 2 days ago) - I actually got to ride my motorcycle! (I usually put it to bed for the winter in September). No jacket, short pants, sandals... of course I wore a helmet! First I rode up to the Dry Canyon trailhead - one of my favorite rides because it has such an amazing view of the lake. Then I though "hey - why not just ride to the lake?" So I did. It's only about a 3-4 mile ride from the mountain to the lake, then I followed the road south till I couldn't be next to the lake anymore. There's just something about being near a large body of water that just feeds my soul. Ideally that body of water would be the Pacific Ocean, but I'll take Utah Lake in a pinch. It was a great day. I took a photo and texted it to my sisters to make 'em jealous, but Dena texted me right back that she was also on a motorcycle ride at the same time - in Las Vegas, though. Cool.

Here's my photo...

Since I'm no fan of being cold (being really cold makes me nauseous), my 'riding season' only lasts from about July to September, and that's spotty, at best, since I usually have the kids at home. Kevin, however will ride his motorcycle (to work, mostly) from about April or May till the snow starts falling, usually November. Stud.

And while I'm at it here (since I'm not a very
frequent blogger), I'll post some photos of Halloween... Megan was a Jester, and Riley was a Witch.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Reflections of Christ - Another Testament

Wow - I just watched the video on the new Reflections of Christ project called 'Another Testament'. If you haven't seen\heard\read about Mark Mabry's project Reflections of Christ - it's definitely worth checking out. This is powerful stuff - it brings the reality of our Savior right into your soul. Here is the link for the original Reflections of Christ project:

Here is the link for this latest video...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Move your music!

Okay, that title came out a little strong, but I'd like to voice an opinion here.... while I usually really do like the music you set up to play when I enter your blog site, I wish you would put the Pause button at the top of your screen so I don't have to scroll to the bottom of your page to turn off the music. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So, maybe blogging's not for me...

I am so tired of seeing the old title of my last blog entry, that I've decided it's time for a change! It's been almost 6 months!

Sorry, I don't have any cute photos to post, or videos (however, I will post one photo that I took while having lunch (in my car) by the lake a couple of weeks ago....) But I do have a few thoughts in my head, though it's a real struggle to get them out and onto the page.
I guess my mind has been most preoccupied with what I see going on around me - the constant and ever-so-present battle of good and evil. (Good wins in the end, by the way, and that's the team I want to be on!). ...... Okay, that's deep enough for now.

Next thought: is 45 old? My back, knees, eyes and metabolism seem to suggest so, but that's not how i FEEL.  Oh, and not that this has anything to do with age, but Kevin broke his leg 5 weeks ago.  He was just walking down the sidewalk in the neighborhood (on his way to Choir Practice), and slipped in the slush.  Broke the fibula down by his ankle.  He's still in cast, and we find out tomorrow if he has to have surgery to 'pin' it together.

...Why don't people understand The Commandments are for their safety, not a restriction of their freedoms? ( I have never had one regret for trying to keep the commandments, only for not trying.)

...Would my family mind if I pulled a 'bait and switch' and served crockpot-ed chicken tacos instead of the usual ground beef tonight?

...When am I ever going to find the time to read all the books I want?  Megan and Riley do!

...How do I stay awake while reading?

...Does anyone read my blog?

...How can I justify not exercising today?

...Is Facebook really a valuable tool, or just a time-suck?

Wow - my thoughts seem to be mostly questions. Kind of odd for someone who sometimes thinks she has all the answers! :^/

Today I'm going to the Draper Temple Open House - for the 2nd time. Not all my family could go last time we went, so I'm going with them today. I'm glad I can - I loved it last time. Not only is it a beautiful building, there is a spirit and peace there that makes me hunger for more.

So, I misled you - I do have a few photos to post!