Wow - we've had such a mild November (till about 2 days ago) - I actually got to ride my motorcycle! (I usually put it to bed for the winter in September). No jacket, short pants, sandals... of course I wore a helmet! First I rode up to the Dry Canyon trailhead - one of my favorite rides becaus

e it has such an amazing view of the lake. Then I though "hey - why not just ride to the lake?" So I did. It's only about a 3-4 mile ride from the mountain to the lake, then I followed the road south till I couldn't be next to the lake anymore. There's just something about being near a large body of water that just feeds my soul. Ideally that body of water would be the Pacific Ocean, but I'll take Utah Lake in a pinch. It was a great day. I took a photo and texted it to my sisters to make 'em jealous, but Dena texted me right back that
she was also on a motorcycle ride at the same time - in Las Vegas, though. Cool.
Here's my photo...
Since I'm no fan of being cold (being really cold makes me nauseous), my 'riding season' only lasts from about July to September, and that's spotty, at best, since I usually have the kids at home. Kevin, however will ride his motorcycle (to work, mostly) from about April or May till the snow starts falling, usually November. Stud.

And while I'm at it here (since I'm not a very
frequent blogger), I'll post some photos of Halloween... Megan was a Jester, and Riley was a Witch.